Rebecca + Dante - Day 25 of the Dog Days of Summer | Sydney Pet Photographer

Black pug, Dante stares out over the water at Sydney Park while his owner gazes lovingly at him during their photoshoot with Sydney based pet photographer, Pawtastic Photography.

Dante is a 2 year old Pug

What does summer time mean to you and your dog?

Lots of picnics in Centennial Park, fun times at the beach frolicking along the sand, afternoon adventures with his puggy friends, Sunday sessions with a doggy beer and beef tartare at our favourite dog friendly pub (The Carrington)

What are five (5) words that best describe your dog?

Adorable, chilled, snuggly, food-obsessed, charming

What are your favourite things to do with your dog?

We do agility together!! It's a lot of fun navigating through the obstacle courses and is great physical and mental exercise.

Black pug, Dante, walks along the boardwalk at Sydney Park, jumps into his humans lap in an effort to get food and grins into the camera during his professional pet photos with Pawtastic Photography.

How would you describe your relationship with your dog?

Best friends ❤

What do you love most about your dog?

Early morning cuddles in bed and evening snuggles on the couch.That he is always happy to see me and always wants to spend time with me. That he always pays attention to everything I say and tilts his little head like he's really trying to understand me. That his obsession with food rivals my own 😉

Tell me about your dog.

Dante is a gorgeous little pug who came to live with me and my husband on Valentines Day 2015. He has brought so much joy to my life and has a way of charming all who meet him. He is utterly obsessed with food and will do anything for a yummy treat. His favourite past times are sleeping, eating, more sleeping, going on adventures with his buddies from The Redfern Grumble, and going out for dinner dates with his mum and dad. 

Thank you Rebecca and Dante for taking part in the Dog Days of Summer!