Shreeya + Tam - Day 28 of the Dog Days of Summer | Sydney Pet Photographer

Tam a Jack Russell/Pug mixed breed dog gazes out over her domain in Sydney Park as she is photographed during her Dog Days of Summer session with Pawtastic Photography.

Tam is a 3 and a half year old Jack Russell / pug mix.

What does summer time mean to you and your dog?

Ball throws, walks and snuggling on the couch

What are five (5) words that best describe you dog?

Curious, loving, mischievous, energetic, incorrigible

What are your favourite things to do with your dog?

Dancing with her, snuggling in bed when she is in her placid state, wearing her as a scarf. Playing ball

How would you describe your relationship with your dog?

Playful, loving and unconditional. There's no happier moment than seeing her tail wag her body with excitement upon my arrival. Buying that melts your heart more than her vigorous wagging in an attempt to have you forgive her latest transgression, or when she's lying on the couch, too lazy to move, but wags her tail in acknowledgment of your attention when you ask her to come.

Jack Russell/Pug dog sits in her owners lap, grins up at her owner lovingly during her walk along a boardwalk and smiles amid the bark and greenery at Sydney Park during her professional photoshoot with Sydney based pet photographer, Pawtastic Photo…

What do you love most about your dog?

I love her zest for life, and never ending optimism. Nothing fazes her, and everything is done with 110% commitment. Tam is a 6 kilo dog who thinks she's the size of a Great Dane. There isn't a dog or situation she's met that she didn't think she's the equal of.

Tell me about your dog.

My favorite Tam story is from the park. There were 2 solid sized labs chasing each other, and Tam of course had to get in on the action. She ran at them at full pelt, ready to join in, only to slam into one of the labs and literally bounce off it. She shook herself off, looked momentarily confused at the idea that there might be a dog bigger than her, and immediately contined her attempts to join the game.

Thank you so much Shreeya & Tam for taking part in the Dog Days of Summer!

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