Worried that your dog will never sit still long enough to have professional pet photos taken? I get it. This is a top client concern.
Every time you go to take a photo of your dog or cat, they move, don't they? One second they are looking their utmost cutest, their little eyes brimming with love and adorableness so you reach for you camera. You raise it up high, tap the phone to focus and just as you hover your finger over the shutter.... BAM! They move!
Suddenly that extremely cute pose you wanted to remember forever has been replaced with the back of their head as they turn away from you. Or, even worse, their butt as they move away from you!
It never fails - every time you go to take a cute photo they move. It's like they instinctively know that that's what you're trying to do and they are determined to thwart you at every turn.
Sound familiar?
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