Rachel & Noah | Day 11 of the 29 Dog Days of Summer

Welcome Rachel & Noah

Noah is a 2 year old Golden Retriever.

Use five words that best describe Noah:
A loveable, affable, gregarious human.

What does Summer means to you both?
The 3 S's - sunshine, swimming and sand.

What are your favourite things to do with together?
Going for walk followed by coffee (a puppy latte for Noah) and going to the beach.

How would you describe your relationship with your dog?
He is my partner in crime. I am always pushing for Sydney to become more dog friendly (more off lead parks and beaches) so I can bring him with me everywhere.

What do you most love about Noah?
He just brings me so much joy and happiness. He gives me a reason to get up and out into the fresh air everyday.

Thank you for being part of the 29 Dog Days of Summer Rachel & Noah. It was truly a pleasure getting to know you both and I've never met a more chilled golden retriever. He is a truly beautiful soul.
