Lurdes & Farruskinha | Day 8 of the 29 Dog Days of Summer

Welcome Lurdes & Farruskinha 

Farruskinha is a Maltese Shih Tzu.

Use five words that best describe Farruskinha
She is an unbelievable little creature that I have the honor to call mine.  She is cheeky , friendly, she is lovable, she is so kind, she is the best of friends.

What does Summer means to you both?
Summer means happy times.

What are your favourite things to do with together?
We love running after each other in the park.

How would you describe your relationship with your dog?
She is my everything.

What do you most love about Farruskinha?
Who she is, she is more than a dog.

Thank you for being part of the 29 Dog Days of Summer Lurdes & Farruskinha. It was a pleasure meeting you both and being able to capture the relationship that you two share.
